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Dean's Message

At the outset, I would like to welcome our new students to this respectable academic edifice that was born giant, i.e. Faculty of Computer Science. I have the pleasure to introduce you to the facilities of the Faculty which will prove how this faculty was born grant.

 Since the first day of its establishment, The Faculty of Computer Science has set an objective of producing modern graduates who are prepared for successful, immediate employment and successful entry into graduate programs. To meet this end, the Faculty maintains necessary material, human and academic resources. On the one hand, all computing laboratories are equipped with modern computing technology and software. On the other hand, faculty members are a highly qualified group of academics, complemented by well-selected part-time teaching staff and visiting lecturers from national and international universities. Curriculum is designed to be relevant to and regularly updated with the state-of-the-art computing technology. Moreover, in addition to cooperation agreements with international universities, the Faculty has a protocol with a leading international computer organization that provides special training packages for students to qualify them to attain professional certificates, and hence, upgrade their proficiency in their field specialization. We are committed to enhance and maintain an environment of educational excellence that provides exceptional growth experiences for students, motivating and empowering them for lifelong learning and professional success. So, welcome you all to a world of excellence and creativity.

Dean of Faculty of Computer Science

Prof. Mohamed El Mayah

Study Policy

School Year:

The MTI follows the credit-hour system.


The school year falls in three semesters:

The first semester (Fall) starts in September.

The second semester (Spring) starts in February.

The third semester (Summer) starts in June.


Class Attendance Policy:

All students are required to attend classes on a regular basis. Student should attend at least 75% of classes to be allowed to sit for the final exam. Extenuating circumstances which may force a student to be absent should be reported to the departmental office. The instructor will determine the amount of assistance a student will need to complete the course requirements. Absence does not relieve the student of the responsibility for assignments covered during the period of absence. Filling Absence Form, the student is allowed to be absent from university for an accepted excuse for two successive semesters, or three inconsecutive ones. A student is dismissed from the Faculty if absent for a longer period without an excuse accepted by the Faculty Academic Board, and approved by University Academic Board.


Language of Instruction:

English is the language of instruction.

The Faculty plans to add other sections where other foreign languages are used.

The Faculty of Computing and Information is committed to:
• Providing academic educational services that lead to a distinguished graduate capable of competing locally, regionally, internationally, and highly qualified in the field of computers and information technology. In addition, graduates will have high professional skills and ethics and will be capable of self-learning to cope with rapid developments in his / her field of specialization.
• Providing continuous education, training and consulting services to achieve national development and improve the local environment.
• Conducting scientific research in various fields of computer science and information technology.
The Faculty of Computing and Information aims to be a pioneer educational institution and research center in the field of Computer Science and Information Technology. This makes it possible to achieve competition and uniqueness at the local, regional, and international levels.
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