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Dean's Message

  It is our pleasure to welcome you to our academic community at the Faculty of Physical Therapy at MTI University. Higher education is concerned with future performance. Physiotherapy is one of the professions that have been developed very fast because of community needs and because of its direct relation with the people day to day activities and quality of life.

Our faculty offers a program that meets the international requirements and standards. The facilities were made up to suit the requirements for the best of outcomes in physiotherapy knowledge and skills. The faculty has well-equipped research labs which serve the educational process as well. All the performances and practices of the faculty are within the standards of the National Authority of Quality Assurance and Accreditation for Higher Education in Egypt.

Prof. Naguib Salem, M.D.

Dean of the Faculty of Physical Therapy

Mission of the Faculty of Physical Therapy - Modern University for Technology and Information:

The mission of the Faculty of Physical Therapy at Modern University of Technology and Information aims to prepare qualified graduates in the field of physical therapy to be competitive and meet the needs of the labor market. Also equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary for clinical practice through a distinguished educational program scientifically and along with continuous development of teaching and learning. In addition to support for creativity and innovation in the field of scientific research and productive community participation in the framework of values and ethics.

Vision of the Faculty of Physical Therapy - Modern University for Technology and Information:

The Faculty of Physical Therapy at Modern University of Technology and Information seeks to be a pioneer in the education of physical therapy at the local, regional and international level by 2025.


-         Physical therapy program of education concerned with theoretical and clinical teaching.


-         Clinical training of the program and internship is a major part of the faculty goals.


-         To provide the clinical training in an organized rigorous way; faculty of physical therapy had contracts with different institutions as the authority of therapeutic institutions.


-         The committee of clinical training and internship designs plan for the clinical training at the beginning of each academic year. The committee intends   to rotate the students with 2 clinical sites during each training period to achieve  more varieties  of cases ; different situations ;  environmental medical staff and administration  In addition  senior faculties provide rotary supervision on the students performance within all clinical sites  .


-         The students are empowered with medical and physical therapy basic knowledge before they start the clinical training.


-         the faculty quality assurance unit designed clerkship logbook to:

1.         Provide the students with objective well constructed feedback to enhance the effectiveness of clinical training.

2.     Engage the students in interactive educational process through their reflections.

3.     Train the students to be life-long active learner through self-assessment and planning for their study. 

4.     Facilitate the monitoring of student’s academic progression.

5.     Organize the follow-up processes for the college and quality assurance unit.


-         An end of each clinical training period; the students as well as the staff evaluate the training experience for continuous development and improvement.


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