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Quarterly report on Quality Assurance Activities
Quarterly report on Quality Assurance Activities activities October, November, and December 2017

Quality Assurance Unit prepares a quarterly report covering all the activities of the Faculty related to educational quality and accreditation and indicators of success as well as the most important problems and obstacles to implementation (negatives), in order to ensure continuous evaluation and assess the performance of the quality assurance unit. The report will be presented to the manager of the unit and discussed and approved in the Faculty Council in order to identify and sustain the strengths. In addition to this, identify the weaknesses to overcome them.

First: Strategic Planning Criteria:
Strength points:
1. The Faculty have strategic objectives that are accredited and announced through different means. Those strategic aims and objectives reflect the vision and mission.
2. The presence of an approved and documented five-year strategic plan compatible with the strategic plan of the University.
3. The presence of an annual executive plan for strategic objectives.
4. Participation of different parties inside and outside the institution in the Quadratic Environmental Analysis.
5. The presence of a strong infrastructure and qualified faculty staff.
6. The presence of effective administrative system
7. Many faculty staff have received outstanding awards.
8. A strong and effective quality assurance unit.
9. Implementing of the Management Information System (MIS) to have automated administrative work. 
10. A clinic in the Faculty to serve the community of the Faculty (students, employees and workers)
11. An internal and external auditing system.

Points to be improved:
1. Completion of faculty Staff and assistant staff in all specialties with the availability of teaching experience.

Second: Criteria of leadership and governance
Strength points:
1. Clear rules and mechanisms for relations between different administrative levels.
2. Defining competencies and responsibilities to ensure that there is no entanglement and interference that may lead to obstruction or disruption of work.
3. Job descriptions for all jobs.
4. Databases for all departments and scientific departments, which helps to make decisions accurately.
5. A training center to develop the capabilities of faculty staff through developing the administrative and research skills of faculty staff.
6. A structure for the Crisis and Disaster Unit headed by the Dean of the Faculty, "Services and Emergency Unit".

Points to be improved:
1. Declaration of job descriptions for all Parties.

Third: Criteria for faculty staff and assistant staff:
Strength points:
1- A plan and programs to develop the abilities and skills of faculty staff and assistant staff.
2 - Several means for continuous assessment of the performance of faculty staff (questionnaires).
3- A mechanism for measuring the job satisfaction of the faculty staff and the assistant staff periodically through the questionnaires.

Points to be improved:
1. An evaluation questionnaire for the faculty staff and assistant staff of the students.
2. A database of courses, certificates and conferences for the members of the faculty staff, which helps in setting the criteria for selecting them as department heads and unit managers.
3. Activating the training plan for the faculty staff and assistant staff.
4. Approval of both the statistics of the distribution of faculty staff among departments and the ratio between faculty staff and students

Fourth: Criteria for the Administrative Structure
Strength Points:

1. Prepare a booklet for job descriptions to be distributed among faculty staff and assistant staff.

Points to be improved:
1. Distribution of a job description booklet among faculty staff and assistant staff.
2. A training plan for the administrators.
3. A performance report for the administrators (their positive and negative sides).
4. A statement of vacant administrative jobs in the faculty.
5. A statement of all administrators in the central departments including (financial / students' affairs / personnel affairs / graduates / students care / clinic).

Fifth: Criteria for Financial Resources
Strength Points:
1. A databases for financial and human resources.
2. Preparation the Norms manual.
3. Preparation the internal regulations of the Crisis and Disaster Unit.
Points to be improved:
1. Completion of the internal regulations of the Crisis and Disaster Unit.
2. Completion of the Norms booklet.
3. Conducting and evacuation drill and documenting it.
4. Need to assign a central security director for the Faculty.
5. Lack of financial resources for people with special needs.
6. Lack of signs for exits and entrances and a map of the building for emergencies.
7. Inaccessibility of internet and incompletion of devices for faculty staff and assistant staff.

Sixth: The Academic Criteria and Educational Programs
Strength points:
1. Implementation of national academic criteria for all the programs of the Faculty according to documented formal procedures and to be approved by the official councils (NARS).
2. Develop mechanisms and procedures necessary to meet the requirements of the implemented criteria including (amendment of the regulations, the amendment of the courses, introducing modern methods of learning, providing learning resources and the development of evaluation methods).
3. An approved description of programs and courses in accordance with academic standards.
4. A program matrix demonstrates the achievement of targeted learning outcomes and meets the specifications of the graduate.
5. An approved and documented mechanism to complete the periodic review of programs and decisions.
6. Conduct internal and external audits and utilize those reports in the development and updating of the program and courses.
7. Implementing feedback mechanisms for courses.
8. Provide documented statistics and analysis results related to the development of enrolled students' number in all the educational programs of the faculty and the success rate in the academic years and the development of graduates' number in each program during the three years.
Points to be improved:
1. Lack of an annual program report.
2. Approving the description of the courses.

Seventh: Criteria for Teaching and Learning
Strength points:
1. The availability of a strategy for teaching and learning along with a mechanism for review in the light of the examinations' results analysis. In addition, survey the views of students and faculty staff.
2. Approved policy to deal with education problems (density of students, university book, private classes, faculty staff shortage or increase, low attendance).
3. A mechanism to ensure measurement of achievement of targeted educational outcomes.
4. The diversity of methods, measuring tools and evaluating training in accordance with the targeted learning outcomes (the questionnaire of the trainers, the students' grades in the training).
5. An evaluation strategy that corresponds with the targeted learning outcomes and teaching and learning strategy.
6. Balancing grades assigned to the different types of evaluation according to the measured learning outcomes (written, projects, practical).
7. A declared mechanism and rules to deal with the students' grievances (the method of submission of grievance, submission duration, the concerned party).
8. A mechanism to ensure the fairness of students' evaluation.
9. Measuring and evaluating students' satisfaction.
10. Announcing the results of various means of evaluation through different means.

Points to be improved:
1. Approving the annual reports of the Faculty.
2. Approving the training plan.
3. Evaluating graduation projects.
4. Approving results report.
5. Conduct a questionnaire to evaluate students for faculty staff.
6. Conduct a questionnaire on the Faculty's policy to overcome education problems.

Eighth: Criteria for Students and Graduates
Strength points:
1. Clear, declared and documented rules of enrollment in different programs of the faculty and acceptance of transfers.
2. A plan for distinguished activities of students at the Faculty and University level.
3. A database for students.
4. An approved mechanism to attract international students.
5. A guide for the student contains information to benefit the students and to be updated annually and available to all students.
6. The Faculty's website is distinguished by all the information on admission and remittances. Conducting and organizing annual orientations for the new students.  
7. A medical clinic in the Faculty.

Points to be improved:
1. Discussing the proposal of Graduates Follow-up Department.
2. Activating Graduates Survey.

Ninth: Criteria for Scientific Research and Scientific Activities:
Strength points:
1. An integrated, approved and documented research plan that fits the available financial resources of the Faculty.
2. Linking the research plan of the Faculty with the research plan of the University to reflect the needs of community.
3. Updated research databases are available in the digital library.
4. Supporting the participation of faculty staff in local, regional and international conferences.
5- The scientific efficiency of faculty staff and diversity of their specialties.
6. Some of faculty staff obtained distinguished prizes in scientific research.

Points to be improved:
1. Setting a time frame for the research plan and its approval.
2. The need for the scientific research ethics committee.
3. Statistics for international and local scientific publications.
4. Statistics of conferences, missions and awards.
5. Lack of financial support for research.

Tenth: The Criteria for Community Participation and Environmental Development:
Strength points:
1. An accredited unit for community service and environmental development in the organizational structure.
2. Availability of a strategic plan for the community service sector and environmental development in the Faculty.
3. Trained human cadres in the fields of community service and environmental development.
4. Participation of representatives of the local community in the Faculty Council and the Management Board of Quality Assurance Unit.

Points to be improved:
1. Lack of statistics in seminars and courses, which were attended by external parties.

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