
Abdel Magied Abdel Hak

Personal Data:
Full Name: Abdel Magied Abdel Hak Abdel Magied
E-mail: a.diab@eng.mti.edu.eg
Date of birth: 2 April 1990

• Cairo University, Egypt. Feb. 2015
Master student
Prepare a MSc. Thesis entitle '' Electromagnetic Effects on Quark-Gluon Plasma'' ''Expected by mid of 2016''

• Cairo University, Egypt. June, 2013-2014
“Pre-Master” courses in theoretical Physics
Very good, [779/900] - 86.56%

• Cairo University, Egypt. Jan 2008-2011
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Very good - 81.176%

MSc. Thesis entitle ''Electromagnetic Effects on Quark-Gluon Plasma''

• General Physics, Thermodynamics, Mechanics, Mathematics and etc.
• Theoretical Particle Physics
• Phenomenological High Energy Physics
• Cosmology and Quantum Gravity

• Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University 2010-2011
• National Research Centre, Physics department 2011-2012
• Housing & Building National Research Center 2011-2012

• Journal Articles: 2016
1. A. Diab, A. Tawfik, "Our Understanding on Landau-Raychaudhuri Cosmology", J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 668 (2016) 1, 012113.
2. A. Diab, A. Tawfik and N. Ezzelarab, "Equation of State in Non-Zero Magnetic Field", J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 668 (2016) 1, 012102, e-Print: arXiv:1509.07072 [hep-ph].
3. A. Tawfik, A. Diab, N. Ezzelarab and A. Shalaby, ”QCD Thermodynamics and Magnetization in Non-Zero Magnetic Field”, accepted paper to be publish in Advances in High Energy Physics (2016).
4. A. Tawfik and A. Diab, "Emergence of Cosmic Space and Minimal Length in Quantum Gravity: a large Class of Space-times and Equations of State", accepted paper to be publish in the Indian Journal of Physics (2016).

• Journal Articles: 2015
1. A. Tawfik and A. Diab " Generalized Uncertainty Principle and Recent Cosmic Inflation Observations", Electron.J.Theor.Phys. 12 (2015) 9-30, e-Print:arXiv:1410.7966 [gr-qc] .
2. A. Tawfik and A. Diab, " Polyakov SU(3) extended Linear Sigma–Model: Sixteen Mesonic States in Chiral Phase–Structure", Phys. Rev. C 91 (2015) 015204, , e-Print: arXiv:1412.239 [hep-ph].
3. A. Tawfik and A. Diab, "Black Hole Corrections due to Minimal Length and Modified Dispersion Relation ", Int.J.Mod.Phys. A30 (2015) 12, 1550059 e- Print: arXiv: 1502.04562[gr-qc].
4. A. Tawfik and A. Diab, "Review on Generalized Uncertainty Principle", Rept. Prog. Phys. 78 (2015) 126001, e-Print: arXiv:1509.02436v2 [physics.gen-ph].

• Journal Articles: 2014
1. A. Tawfik, N. Magdy, A. Diab " Polyakov linear sigma-model: features of higher order moments in dense and thermal Medium", phys. Rev. C89, 055210 (2014), e-Print: arXiv: 1405.0577 [hep-ph].
2. A. Tawfik and A. Diab "Generalized Uncertainty Principle: Approaches and Applications", Int.J.Mod.Phys. D23 (2014) 1430025, e-print:arXiv:1410.0206 [gr-qc].
3. A. Tawfik and A. Diab, " Transport Coefficients from SU(3) Polyakov Linear σ-Model", Conference paper in the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. e-print: JINR-Preprint – E2-2015-4.

• In press
1. A. Tawfik, A. Diab and M. T. Hussein, “Chiral Magnetic Effects form Extended SU(3) Linear-sigma Model” , submitted to the European Physical Journal A (2016).
2. A. Tawfik, A. Diab and M. T. Hussein, ”Quark-hadron phase structure and QCD equations of state in vanishing and finite magnetic field”, submitted to the European Physical Journal A (2016).
3. A. Tawfik, A. Diab, E. Abou El Dahab and T. Harko “On Perturbative Instability of Cosmology from Quantum Potential” , submitted to Phys. Rev. D (2015) .
4. A. Tawfik, A. Diab and E. Abou El Dahab “Friedmann Inflation in Horava- Lifshitz Gravity” , submitted to Int. J. Mod. Phys. A (2016) .

• The 2016 Course of the «Ettore Majorana» International School of Subnuclear Physics
• The XX International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists Invitation letter (AYSS-2016) JNAR, Dubna- Moscow, Russian federation 14-18 March 2016
• The Helmholtz International Summer School "Dense Matter 2015"
• Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, JINR] JINAR, Dubna- Moscow, Russian federation June 29 to July 11, 2015
• The 15th International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter ''SQM2015'' [http://sqm.jinr.ru/] JINAR, Dubna, Moscow, Russian federation July 6-11, 2015
• The 3rd International conference on primordial QCD Matter 2014 [WLCAPP-STDF]Cairo, Egypt. 24-28 September, 2014
Given talk entitled "Generalized uncertainty principle and new cosmic observation"
Organization team
• CERN summer school 2014 Geneva, Switzerland. 30th June, 2014 to 23rd August 2014
The project entitled "D-Meson reconstruction at ALICE experiment"
• Primordial QCD Matter in LHC Era 2013, [FEPS – WLCAPP – DAAD – JSPS]

I am familiar with Mathematica, C/C++, ROOT, Linux and Latex etc. As part of my phenomenology work, I have developed Mathematica scripts to calculate the properties of strongly interacting matter, Quark Gluon Plasma, in the frame work of the Linear Sigma Model (LSM), cosmology and quantum gravity.
Experience my instructing and assisting students in laboratory sessions in collaboration with laboratory manager and under the supervision of mathematics and physics faculty .
Evaluating the student's performance, including grading homework and quizzes. Having direct interaction with students, including office hours and tutorials. Thorough preparation for duties under the direction of faculty. Miscellaneous duties as directed my faculty.

• The 2016 Course of the «Ettore Majorana» International School of Subnuclear Physics
54th Course: THE NEW PHYSICS F RONTIERS IN THE LHC-2 ERA Invitation letter Erice, 14 – 23 June 2016 The talk entitle "QGP conductivity and viscous properties form the Polyakov linear-sigma model in finite magnetic field"
• The XX International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists Invitation letter (AYSS-2016) JNAR, Dubna- Moscow, Russian federation 14-18 March 2016 The talk entitle "Electromagnetic effects on strongly interacting QCD-matter"
• The 15th International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter JINAR, Dubna, Russia July 6-11, 2015
The talk entitled "Equation of State in Non-Zero Magnetic Field"
The talk entitled "Our Understanding on Landau-Raychaudhuri Cosmology
• Advanced Workshop on LHC physics and cosmology Cairo, Egypt. 3rd -14th February, 2014
The talk entitled "Plyakov Linear Sigma Model"
 The 10th International Master classes in physics
Cairo, Egypt. 1st -5th April, 2014
The talk entitled "Chiral Masses from Plyakov Linear Sigma Model"
• CERN summer school 2014 at CERN
Geneva, Switzerland. 30th June, 2014 to 23rd August 2014
The project entitled "D-Meson reconstruction at ALICE experiment"
• The 3rd International conference on primordial QCD Matter 2014
Cairo, Egypt. 24-28 September, 2014
The talk entitled "Generalized uncertainty principle and new cosmic observation"

Academic Workshops:
• The 11th International Master classes in physics
[WLCAPP-ALICE collaboration]
Cairo, Egypt. 28th, March, 2015
Organization team
• The 10th International Master classes in physics
[WLCAPP-ALICE collaboration]
Cairo, Egypt. 1st -5th April, 2014
Given talk entitled "Chiral Masses from Plyakov Linear Sigma Model"
Organization team
• Advanced Workshop on LHC physics and cosmology
Cairo, Egypt. 3rd -14th February, 2014
Given talk entitled "Plyakov Linear Sigma Model"
Organization team
• ECTP : Egyptian center for Theoretical Physics
• WLCAPP: World Laboratory for Cosmology and particle physics
• MTI Uni. : Modern Technology and Information University
• ALICE collaboration: A Large Ion Collider Experiment  CERN : European Organization for Nuclear Research
• ICTP : International Centre for Theoretical Physics
• DAAD : German Academic Exchange Service
• FEPS : Federation for Egyptian Particle Scientists

• Prof. Dr. DSc. Abdel Nasser TAWFIK
Professor of theoretical physics, Faculty of Engineering, MTI University,
Cairo, EGYPT.
Founder Director of the ECTP
Founder Director of the WLCAPP
Email: a.tawfik@eng.mti.edu.eg

• Prof. Dr. M. Tarek HUSSEIN
Professor of theoretical physics, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Giza, EGYPT.
Former President of the Academy of Scientific Research, Cairo, EGYPT.
Email: tarek@sci.cu.edu.eg

References will be furnished on demand.


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